Housing and Real Estate Services

Housing and Real Estate Services (HRES) provides comprehensive management for the University’s housing programs, including undergraduate dormitories, graduate dormitories and apartments, and the faculty/staff rental and purchase plan properties. In cooperation with the Facilities organization and outside service partners, Housing and Real Estate Services ensures that the University’s residential properties are well managed and maintained. The department manages all administrative aspects of the housing programs, including online application and contracting processes, financial and information technology management, and rental and purchase transactions. Importantly, this team also collaborates closely with the Residential Colleges, Campus Life, the Graduate School, and the Office of the Dean of the Faculty to ensure that the Princeton residential experience supports the education and research missions of the institution. The office also offers support to constituents seeking housing in the local area.

first year student move in
undergraduate dorm room
graduate student dorm
faculty housing
olden house short term housing for faculty and staff